Would You Like to Join or Renew Your Membership?
You can join the Acton Agua Dulce Amateur Radio Club (AADARC) or simply renew your membership. You do not need to be a licensed Amateur Radio operator to join. The cost is $25 per year for an individual or $30 for a family. Once you complete the Membership Form, please proceed to the Paypal link below for payment or bring your dues to the next club meeting. If your membership is for a family, please have each family member fill out their own Membership Form.
AADARC club hats are now available to be ordered from Ham Crazy. Click here for the link. Use discount code aadarc.
Membership Form
Honorary Members
Honorary Members are those individuals that are not regular attending club members but have contributed to our club through their knowledge, time, and expertise as presenters or Elmers.

Dennis, W6DQ has been very generous with his time by
inviting club members to his personal museum. In addition, he provided valuable
knowledge as an Elmer to several of our club members.